
Dear Honorable Members of the Lewisville City Council,

We write to you today with a sense of urgency regarding a growing threat that our beloved City of Lewisville, Texas, is currently facing. Short Term Rentals (STRs) have become an imminent danger not only in our community but also in cities worldwide. As leaders of our great city, we implore you to take immediate action and demonstrate your unwavering commitment to our residents.

The proliferation of absentee landlords treating short term rentals as hotels and renters using them as party houses has cast a dark shadow over the safety and well-being of our neighborhoods. The consequences are grave, as we now face an increased risk of violence and an influx of unknown transient threats that disrupt the harmony we once enjoyed.

It is imperative that the rights of these new owners of unlicensed hotels/r lodging properties never supersede the deeply rooted rights of our entire neighborhoods. We firmly believe that it is the duty of city leaders like yourselves to step forward, demonstrate decisive leadership, and address this pressing issue head-on.

Globally, unmanaged and absentee landlord-operated STRs have emerged as significant menaces, directly jeopardizing the safety and well-being of communities. These properties have become magnets for crime and violence, as people rent them for parties and engage in activities that they would never condone within their own neighborhoods.

We wholeheartedly urge the Lewisville City Council to initiate proactive measures by promptly working on the necessary ordinances to regulate and control these STRs. Moreover, we encourage you to extend an open invitation to neighborhood coalitions, empowering them to collaborate with you in safeguarding our city.

Now is the time for action. By taking a firm stance against this growing menace, you will not only protect the well-being of our residents but also solidify Lewisville's position as a city that values the safety and security of its neighborhoods above all else.

We thank you for your unwavering dedication and urge you to commence this important work without delay. Lewisville deserves leadership that takes swift and resolute action to preserve the essence of our community.

An example of this threat occurred recently when a large 60ft + tour bus arrived on 3rd July at an absentee STR property for what can only be presumed the intention to hold a large party in a R-12 residential neighborhood. After breaking the law by parking in the street for 2 hours, they eventually left after multiple neighbors complained. Disaster averted that day.

But what about this weekend, next weekend. What will YOU do when your neighbor sells their property to an STR operator.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.


Gary Ferguson 1111 Firewater Cir Lewisville, TX, 75067

References: BnB vs STR